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isolating layer中文是什么意思

用"isolating layer"造句"isolating layer"怎么读"isolating layer" in a sentence


  • 隔离层


  • Their characteristic is that they can isolate layers selectively
  • The horizontal stiffness of isolated layer is reduced , the effect of the base - isolated structure is clear . and the damping is enlarged to reduce the displacement of the superstructure
  • The deformation of the structure mainly focused on the isolated layers and the superstructure shift as a whole . the interlayer displacement of the isolation system is far low . the earthquake effect of the base - isolated structure is dicided on the horizontal stiffness and elastic and plastic capability of the isolated layer , the base shear , the interlayer shear , th ' e interlayer displacement of the isolation system is far lower than the result of the base - fixed system under the same condition of the superstructure
用"isolating layer"造句  
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